PHP Scripts

Display the Current Date

July 30, 2022

If you want to display the current date, you can use the following code: The…

Form Validation Functions

July 18, 2022

Easy Data Handler is a free PHP script you can include in your projects. It…

PHP Get File Size

August 23, 2021

This PHP script checks and outputs a file size.

PHP Check if File Exists

August 23, 2021

This PHP script checks if a file exists.

PHP Connect to MySQL Database

August 23, 2021

This PHP script connects to a MySQL database.

PHP Create a Table in a MySQL Database

August 23, 2021

This PHP script creates a table in a MySQL database.

PHP Create File

August 23, 2021

This PHP script will create a file if it doesn’t exist.

PHP Create a Database

August 23, 2021

This PHP script creates a MySQL database.

PHP Count Characters in a String

August 23, 2021

This PHP script counts the number characters in a string and outputs the result.

PHP Simple Contact Form

August 23, 2021

This is a PHP script for a simple contact form.

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